Est 2023

Hello there,

my name is Sid. And no, I’m not this Sid, but I’m a human.

Hello there,

my name is Sid.

And no, I’m not this Sid, but I’m a human.

Sometimes, I find myself struggeling to use a product.

Sometimes, I find myself struggeling to use a product.

It's not just any product. It's one that promises to make my life easier, to solve a problem I didn't even know I had until I stumbled upon it.

It's not just any product. It's one that promises to make my life easier, to solve a problem I didn't even know I had until I stumbled upon it.

Yet, instead of feeling relief, I'm met with a mix of confusion and irritation.

Yet, instead of feeling relief, I'm met with a mix of confusion and irritation.

I tap, I swipe, I click, hoping for a moment where everything falls into place. But it never comes.

I tap, I swipe, I click, hoping for a moment where everything falls into place. But it never comes.

Instead, I'm left wrestling with unintuitive interfaces and half-baked features. Wondering if anyone bothered to consider the human on the other side of the screen.

Instead, I'm left wrestling with unintuitive interfaces and half-baked features. Wondering if anyone bothered to consider the human on the other side of the screen.

It's not just about inconvenience, it's about disregard. Profit chasing has overshadowed the true purpose: serving us, the humans.

It's not just about inconvenience, it's about disregard. Profit chasing has overshadowed the true purpose: serving us, the humans.

The focus shifted from enhancing lives to maximizing revenue.

The focus shifted from enhancing lives to maximizing revenue.

Despite the frustration, there's hope. Technology can empower, not exploit. Behind every screen, people like us crave products that truly meet our needs.

Despite the frustration, there's hope. Technology can empower, not exploit. Behind every screen, people like us crave products that truly meet our needs.

Because after all, isn't that the least we deserve?

Because after all, isn't that the least we deserve?








